Tuesday, August 3, 2010

杜拉拉升職記 GOLaLaGO

這是一部有關於上班族多少都會遇到關於 辦公室戀情 和 promotion 的 issue。 很喜歡劇中的拉拉扮演的角色,但其中,對於 Stanley 的演技.......只能說 "有待加強" ( 但還蠻喜歡劇中 Stanley 所配的領帶 )




「好老闆的標誌就是從他身上學到東西。而好員工的標誌就是 -- 和領導保持高度一致。」



看到 LaLa and Stanley 在 Tailand 的海灘上,感覺兩個人之間的相處應該要像這個樣子,本來不好笑的笑話,但還是有感而發的會心一笑,笑的是....她開心笑的樣子....她的呆樣子....她純純的樣子....和她天真的樣子。 兩個人之間的默契,是千言萬語也琢磨不出來的。


  但是有愛情 ,我們可以一起烘焙麵包...


Monday, August 2, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife


After this romantic love story, just realized that long-distance relationship is not a problem, falling in love with a time traveler is a problem. Nothing's longer than time in this world.

It must be hard to imagine that falling in someone who would suddenly disappear without warning at any time and any places.  We've all fallen in love before, and we all know the most important thing in a relationship is sense of security. Without it, problems would arise. What if...when you need someone to talk to, to keep you company, but he/she is not there for you.

However, love can still be unbelievable. Clair spent whole her life waiting for the guy she has been dreaming since she was kid. After she met him, she has to bear the fact that he'd disappear at any time. If it was you, how long are you going to wait for "the one" ?

Someone did ask this question before....
"When the day comes, if you had a choice, would you choose to let you go first, or your lover?"

Well...it is a tough choice...but it will be to let her go first. Because leaving her alone and letting her face the silence at the night is breaking my heart . What about you?

Ask about the vision of marriage...
「Until we are 75, having lost all our physical attractiveness, yet stayed as best friends, stayed truthful and stayed in love of one another... that is the perfect harmony of a married couple.」
